Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Orkut Posts : Which God is worth worshiping / Or is any God worth worshiping?

I have not been getting time to blog something...and i am fairly active in sites like they say, if you are stuck with lemons, make i am starting to ctrl+v my orkut posts....yeah , i know its a lame excuse from blogging seriously...but then what the heck, right ? :-P

Which God is worth worshiping / Or is any God worth worshiping?

Belief in anything that makes you a better person is good...if belief in God helps certain people then that’s good and worth worshiping…

All this is subjective in nature…
Whats acceptable to one is not enough for another….what one person thinks is correct is wrong for another…Similarly which belief is worth worshiping and which is not is subjective and I am sure whoever created the human mind meant us to think in these lines also…
If certain people take words, incidents in holy books for their literal meaning and then turn into fanatics or question the logic behind all this then it can’t be helped...

Bottom line is that the strength in human belief and hope is immense...

Religion and God are all part of an effort to channelize this inner strength for the good of man kind...Well meaning and far sighted ancestors may have taught the concept of God and religion to their kids with all this in mind…whether their concepts were created out of thin air or from reality is not at all important in the broader context…

The fact that these beliefs help many people to continue to live their lives with inner peace and this is reason enough for many to continue worshiping.

To each his Own!